Copyright 2011-2020 John N. Lupia, III

Fig. 2. Perhaps the earliest known Lyman Haynes Low correspondence with the Chapman Brothers, on an extremely rare graphic illustrated cover with an engraving of the newly completed St. James Hotel built 1875, postmarked November 3, 1879, Red Wing, Minnesota. Courtesy Lupia Numismatic Library, Special Collection, The Chapman Family Correspondence Archive.

He was an active member of the ANS since May 18, 1880. His first advertisement in Numisma appears in the July 1880 issue. The exact same advertisement ran into the November 1881 issue. In January 1882 he revised the advertisement including siege pieces. He was busy acquiring coins he would eventually list at fixed prices selling them on December 25, 1882.

In January 1882, he was located at 45 East 20th Street, New York.

Fig. 1. Profile Photograph of Lyman Haynes Low published in the December 1894 issue of The Numismatist. Courtesy Lupia Numismatic Library.

Lyman Haynes Low (1844-1924), was born on July 22, 1844, at Boston, Massachusetts, son of Captain Francis Low (1795-1860) of Barre, and Reliance Cobb Burrill Low. He is a descendent of great-grandfather Low born at Cape Ann in 1720. His grandfathers of both parents served in the Revolutionary army. Born in Vernon Place, Charter Street, Boston, Massachusetts on July 22, 1844. His parents soon moved to Chelsea where he grew up as a young child.

As a youngster he collected coins when the nickel Flying Eagle cent was minted in 1856. At the outbreak of the Civil War he sold his small collection for $5.00. Scarcely 17 years old he joined the Army in the Civil War. During the Civil War he served in the Company B, Thirteenth Massachusetts Volunteers. He has since joined the Alexander Hamilton Post of GA r of New York. He took a numismatic hiatus for seventeen years returning to the field of collection in 1878.

After the Civil War he traveled and became a commercial traveller. From 1865 to 1883 he was a commercial traveler in wholesale dry goods sojourning along the Mississippi. He went from Halifax, Nova Scotia to St. Paul, Missouri going down to New Orleans.

In 1870 he moved to New York City.

In 1874, he married Ella Mordaunt Peshine (-1919), a direct descendant of George Washington's mother, Mary Ball.

In May 1875, he was at the Nicollet House, Minneapolis, Minnesota, on dry goods business.

In November 1876, he was at the Newhall, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on dry goods business.

Robert W. McLachlan, writing his memoirs as a coin collector of fifty years in the October 1911 issue of The Numismatist wrote : In 1876 I visited New York for the first time. I saw Mr. Lyman H. Low, who was then a commercial traveler for a dry goods house." McLachlan's memory of the exact year might have been fuzzy since Low wrote that it was in 1878 that he renewed his interest in collecting coins. Low wrote in his autobiographical sketch in the October/November 1908 issue of The Numismatist, "In that year, [sic 1878], when a commercial traveller, I was sojourning in the West, on the Mississippi, just below St. Paul. Many foreign copper and silver coins were in circulation in that community, and I soon found myself making a collection of the various kinds I met with. By this means I became acquainted with three collectors in the town, and their hord[e]s were sufficient to rekindle the flame of twenty years previous. My ardor was thoroughly aroused, and the interest I took was intense! I dreamed and talked of coins incessantly; but I soon became rational, and launched into the subject in sober earnest. Almost immediately I began to sell as well as purchase. The captures, whether of pieces or customers, were not large or important. In the fall of 1879, after returning to New York after one of my trips, I passed the old store of Bangs & Co., on Broadway, opposite Astor Place, and read the bulletin at the door, "Coin Sale to-day". A few brisk steps took me up to the spacious rooms where the coins of the late Theodore Riley were displayed on those long, flannel-covered tables, which some of you perhaps remember. I attended the sale that afternoon and most of those that followed, whenever I was able to do so." The Theodore W. Riley sale catalogued by Ed Cogan sold at Bangs & Company on December 1-3, 1879, on month after the letter Low sent to the Chapman Brothers while "sojourning in the West, on the Mississippi, just below St. Paul" shown below in Fig. 2. The Chapman Brothers had just finished their first coin auction sale three and a half weeks earlier at Bangs & Company. From this autobiographical sketch and the documentary evidence in Lupia Numismatic Library, Special Collection, The Chapman Family Correspondence Archive, we have a clearer picture of Low in the fray of coin auction sales and obviously still dreaming and talking of coins incessantly while away at Red Wing, Minnesota, just below St. Paul, on business as a commercial traveller most probably for Bates, Reed & Cooley, Importers of Dry Goods, 343-347 Broadway, New York City. (see Fig. 3)

Fig. 3. Lyman Low was working for Bates, Reed & Cooley, Importers of Dry Goods, 343-347 Broadway, New York City in 1882. This letter of correspondence using their stationery is postmarked December 2, 1882, around the time of his first known catalogue which some classify as either a fixed price list or an auction sale, since fixed price lists typically do not give an exact day or grouping of days. Courtesy Lupia Numismatic Library, Special Collection, The Chapman Family Correspondence Archive.

In the fall/winter of 1882 Lyman Haynes Low arranged a business relationship with the firm of Bates, Reed & Cooley, New York, a publisher and importer of dry goods, to be a coin dealer there, probably renting desk space, and began holding coin sale auctions.

His first know sale was from his fixed price list, Catalogue of Modern Coins, Medals, Tokens, Siege Pieces, December 25, 1882. (Davis 634).

From 1883 Low professionally entered the coin business full-time, issuing his first fixed price lists from B. Westermann & Company, 838 Broadway, New York City. He became a member of the ANS. When he joined the Western Pennsylvania Numismatic Society (WPNS) he was still early in his career as a coin dealer. He became the librarian of the American Numismatic and Archaeological Society (ANS) in 1885 until 1891.

Fig. 4. Sixth Numismatic Literature Sale, February, 1885, at B. Westermann & Company, 838 Broadway, New York City. Courtesy Lupia Numismatic Library.

In the March 1885 issue of Numisma, Low advertised his List No. 6, Coin Books for Sale at fixed prices, just out. Below on his business envelope postmarked September 25, 1885, we see him advertise his catalogues including the new March 1885 list of coin books.

In 1885, he advertised selling coins and medals in The Hermes International Journal of Philately and Numismatics, published by the Isenstein brothers. He advertised himself as a full-time dealer located at 838 Broadway, New York, carrying the largest and most varied stock than any other dealer in the country. He also advertised four catalogues for sale including Catalogue of United States and Colonial Coins at 15 cents; Catalogue of Numismatic Books on Sale, Part I, February, 1885 at 15 cents; Catalogue of Numismatic Books on Sale, Part II, August, 1885 at 15 cents; and circulars free.

Low's first significant coin auction sale was that of the late Alexander Balmanno of Brooklyn, New York, comprising 1,064 lots, held on June 10, 1885. Previously, Balmanno had a coin auction sale ten years earlier on April 9, 1873 at Thomas Birch & Son. However, Low was to sell more from the Estate of Balmanno twenty years later on October 30, 1903.

Fig. 5. Lyman Haynes Low business stationery circa August/September 1885 printed on a Plimpton envelope, Thorp-Bartels #358, still at the same address of B. Westermann & Company, 838 Broadway, New York City. Now he lists three catalogues and two price lists of 1885. Courtesy Lupia Numismatic Library.

Fig. 6. Lyman Haynes Low business stationery printed on a Plimpton envelope, Thorp-Bartels # 921, B. Westermann & Company, 838 Broadway, New York City. Above : Letter to Jeremiah Colburn postmarked September 25, 1885, New York City, Station D. Courtesy Lupia Numismatic Library.

In the February 1886 issue of The Agassiz Journal, Vol 1., No. 9., page 12, the announcement of Lyman Low's removal from B. Westermann & Company to his new address at 853 Broadway, Domestic Building, Room 5, First Floor, New York City.

In 1886, he published his classic work, Hard Times Tokens. This work was revised by him in 1899. Since then it has undergone several reprintings and expanded updated editions by later numismatists. The most significant being those of Edgar Holmes Adams, known as the plated edition, and that of Russ Rulau, called the complete and enlarged edition.

He was a subscriber to A. M. Smith, Illustrated Encyclopedia of Gold and Silver Coins of the World; Illustrating the Modern, Ancient, Current and Curious, From A.D. 1885 Back to B.C. 700. (Philadelphia, 1886) : 12

Low was a collector and student of foreign numismatics since the beginning of his 1878 second phase collecting career as he tells us in his autobiographical sketch published in The Numismatist, Vol. 4, No. 1, January, (1892) : 1-2 (quoted above). As a result of this natural interest and his travels throughout the country he studied and collected Mexican coins, which resulted in an early book : A Sketch of the Coinage of the Mexican Revolutionary General Morelos (offprint ANS paper 1886). This work was translated into Spanish in 1897 by Nicolás León, La Moneda del General Insurgente Don José María Morelos : Ensayo numismático. León was the founder and director of the Museo Muchoacano. It has been republished several times and was recently published in 2010 by Banco de México (Series : Moneda e Historia - Clasicos).

Fig. 7. Tenth Sale, Numismatic Literature, August 1, 1886, removed from B. Westermann & Company to his new address 853 Broadway, Domestic Building, Room 5, First Floor, New York City. Courtesy Lupia Numismatic Library.

Fig. 8. Lyman Haynes Low's new publication, The Coinage of the Popes, early 1886. We find it listed on the business envelope below postmarked June 8, 1886 in Fig. 9 below. Courtesy Lupia Numismatic Library.

Fig. 9. Lyman Haynes Low's new business address removed from B. Westermann & Company and relocated at 853 Broadway, New York City, with stationery printed on a Plimpton envelope, Thorp-Bartels # 944, postmarked June 8, 1886. Cover printed with advertising seven of Low's Standard Catalogues : Catalogue of United States and Colonial Coins, 15 cents; Price List of United States Fractional Currency, 10 cents; Price List of Confederate Notes, 10 cents; Catalogue of Numismatic Books, Part I, 15 cents; Catalogue of Numismatic Books, Part II, 15 cents; Hard Time Tokens 1834-41, 25 cents; The Coinage of the Popes, 15 cents. Courtesy Lupia Numismatic Library.

In the Fall of 1886, Low purchased the reminders, i.e., unsold copies of A Historical Sketch of the Coins of New Jersey published in 1881 by Dr. Edward Maris.

Fig. 10. A very rare specimen of Lyman Low's circular announcement of August 25, 1887, reporting his Management of the Coin Department of Scott Stamp & Coin Co., Ltd., 721 Broadway, New York City, New York. Courtesy Lupia Numismatic Library.

September 1, 1887, he became the manager of the Coin Department of Scott Stamp & Coin Company, Limited until early 1896. Low compiled all the numismatic literature, fixed prices lists and eighteen coin auction catalogues, of which three merited Davis numbers : 913, 914, and 915.

Fig. 12. Lyman Low's, Copper and Nickel Coins. 17th Edition. (1893) Scott's Standard Catalogues, No. 5. Scott Stamp & Coin Company, Limited, 18 East 23rd Street, New York. Courtesy Lupia Numismatic Library.

Low was a member of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, the London Numismatic Society and Corresponding member of the Philadelphia Numismatic and Antiquarian Society.

Fig. 11. Lyman Low's business envelope "Manager Numismatic Department" Scott Stamp & Coin Co., Ltd, 721 Broadway, New York, postmarked October 27, 1888, retains his original corporate logo since 1883. Courtesy Lupia Numismatic Library.

He served as associate editor with W. T. R. Marvin of The American Journal of Numismatics from 1891 to 1907.

He joined the ANA in 1891 and is Member No. 87, residence 12 East 23rd Street, New York City. His number was changed to 51.

In January 1892 he identified a medal of Frederick II, Duke of Mantua for an inquirer from 1891 The Numismatist.

Fig. 13 & 14. Left : Lyman Low's 4th edition of "Paper Money" published in 1894, Scott Stamp & Coin Co., Ltd, 18 East 23rd Street, New York City. Right : Back cover illustration of the storefront of Scott Stamp & Coin Co., Ltd, 18 East 23rd Street. The Coin Department was on the ground floor, which was sometimes referred to as the basement. Courtesy Lupia Numismatic Library.

Augustus Goodyear Heaton published "Auction Sales of Coins," in the November 1894 issue of The Numismatist, pages 241-244, a paper read at the Fourth Annual Convention of the ANA held that year in Detroit, Michigan from August 23rd-24th. Heaton's glaring sentence reads, "A dishonest dealer has of course many opportunities to betray a customers confidence." He then goes on to explain that. First, he can manipulate who gets the coin by claiming to competitive bidders, less favored by him, that he received their bids too late or not at all. Second, he can switch the coin on a client substituting an inferior specimen and keeping the superior one for himself. Third, "he can pretend that a higher bidder returned the coin, while really speculating himself upon his customer's desires." Heaton then remarks that dealers are generally gentlemen of integrity. But, he adds that there is tremendous backbiting among them each criticizing the other in a condemnatory manner. Lyman Low did not take the allegations against coin dealers lightly and composed "A Protest" letter to Heaton's article published in the January 1895 issue of The Numismatist, pages 18-19, and signed by him, the Chapman Brothers, and David Proskey .

In the January 1895 issue of The Numismatist, Augustus Goodyear Heaton wrote his classic essay, "A Tour Among the Coin Dealers," and Lyman Low at Scott's Stamp & Coin Company was on his tour itinerary.

"The Scott Stamp and Coin Company has become a conspicuous location on Madison Square, one of the handsomest centers of the metropolis. The stamp department occupies the large and deep first floor of the building and many clerks are employed. The coin department is in a basement floor nearly level with the pavement. Near the show window two or three young ladies are behind a counter, busy at desks, or showing any desired part of the coin stock of several large fireproofs [safes] to the customers. Many coin publications are on the counter. Far in the rear, in a skylit office and numismatic library, is found Mr. Lyman H. Low, the manager. He is a scrupulously attired gentleman in middle life, with white hair, mustache and goatee, a military aspect, but with a brisk genial manner. He is a member of the American Numismatic and Archaeological Society of New York, one of the editors of the American Journal of Numismatics, and a man of great experience in the science and of sagacity in business."

Fig. 15. Lyman Low's Observations on the Practice of Counterfeiting Coins and Medals (June/July, 1895) An offprint of a paper that was read before the ANS on May 28, 1895. (Davis 640). Courtesy Lupia Numismatic Library.

Fig. 16. Lyman Low to A. H. Baldwin & Sons, Ltd., London, England, postmarked September 3, 1895. Courtesy Lupia Numismatic Library.

Apparently Low left Scott Stamp & Coin Company early in 1896. In the 1896 New York City Directory, page 881, he is listed as a coin dealer at 136 West 91st Street. When Low left the "Coin Department" of Scott Stamp & Coin Company, Ltd., sometime between January and April 1896, it appears he bought out the stock of all numismatic items and the "Coin Department" closed. All numismatic solicitations received by Scott Stamp & Coin Company, Ltd., were forwarded to Lyman H. Low at his address 136 West 91st Street.

Fig. 17. Lyman Low's advertisement in the May 1896 issue of The Numismatist, reports his having left Scott Stamp & Coin Company after about eight years of managing the coin department and is now independent seeking clients at his address 136 West 91st Street. Courtesy Lupia Numismatic Library.

In the September 1896 issue of The Numismatist, page 198, we find Lyman Low at a new address which continues into the 1897 New York City Directory, page 791, with his residence listed at 36 West 129th Street.

Fig. 18. Lyman Low's addresses : 36 West 129th Street, and 216 United Charities Building 4th Avenue and 22nd Street, are printed and stamped on this Scott Stamp & Coin Company Ltd., memorandum postal card, postmarked June 1, 1897.

He is listed as ANA dues paid in 1897

Fig. 19. Lyman Low's May 1898 Fixed Price List, United Charities Building, 4th Avenue & 22d Street, New York City. All letters and packages sent to his residence at 36 West 129th Street. Courtesy Lupia Numismatic Library.

In 1898, he was requested by Caroline Perry Belmont, daughter of Commodore Perry, to appraise the ancient coin collection comprising 1,035 coins of her late father. Low examined each coin placing them individually in their own 2" x 2" paper envelope and annotated them, storing them in boxes.

Fig. 20. Lyman Low's, 1898 Coin Packets Books and Catalogues. Courtesy Lupia Numismatic Library.

Lyman Low ran the first American coin auction sale for the year of 1900, on January 25th.

On November 27, 1900 he held the Perry & Smith sale with results published in the February 1901 The Numismatist on page 47-48.

On December 28, 1900 he held the Gaston Sale also published in the February 1901 issue.

He ran the first American coin auction sale for the year of 1902 on January 17th. This sale comprised of coins from the collections of A. P. W. Johnson, of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, P. N. Breton, of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Thomas L. Owen, of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and C. D. Perry of Hanover, Connecticut. The prices realized for some of the coins were published in The Numismatist, Vol. XV, No. 1, January (1902) on page 26.

Low served as one of the judges for the public numismatic exhibit at the Collector’s Club on Saturday, January 25th, 1902.

In the January 1902 issue of the American Journal of Numismatics he wrote the obituary for Ebenezer Locke Mason, Jr. on pages 95-96.

On February 27th, 1902 Low held the coin auction for the collections of Dr. J. J. Lussier and the late Arthur G. Davis. The catalogue included a large number of counterstamped copper coins, 58 on US coins, 49 on US cents, and 647 miscellaneous. Prices realized for ten lots were published in the April issue of The Numismatist.

Low held a coin auction sale on March 26th, 1902 consisting of mainly English war medals and Oriental coins. Prices realized were published for eleven lots in the May 1902 issue of The Numismatist.

His April 25th 1902 coin sale consisted of the English tokens belonging to John G. Mills of Albany, New York with prices realized of fourteen of the lots published in the June issue of The Numismatist.

He changed his address in the May 1902 issue of The Numismatist to the United Charities Building.

Prices realized for eleven lots of his May 22nd, 1902 coin auction were published in the July issue of The Numismatist.

Fig. 21. Lyman Low's coin auction sale June 18, 1902, Harvey J. King of Troy, New York, Joseph Edwin Guild of Paterson, New Jersey, Lyman L. Gerry et alia, sold at The Collector's Club, Henry C. Merry, Auctioneer. Courtesy Lupia Numismatic Library.

Prices realized for nine lots of his June 18th, 1902 coin auction sale were published also in the same July issue.

Low held his final sale for the season on June 8th, 1902, which featured the collection of George F. Ulex of Hamburg, Germany, and included colonial coins state, territorial and other US gold coins, and standard copper and silver US coins.

Fig. 22. The July 1902 Philatelic West a whole page ad illustrated on the 6th leaf recto from back. Figure seated on left is Frank Scott, his assistant; Low is speaking with Benjamin Betts; foreground B. L. Merrill, his accountant. Same issue has in the center photo section a half page photo of his coin shop shown above. Low is wearing a black suit sitting at the table on the left. Courtesy Lupia Numismatic Library, Special Collection, The Philatelic West.

Fig. 23. On September 9th, 1902 he held a coin auction of 713 lots. Courtesy Lupia Numismatic Library.

He ran the first American coin auction sale for the year of 1903, on January 23rd.

He was a member of the British Numismatic Society in 1903.

His first full page back cover ad in Philatelic West was in December 1903 and ran until May 1904.

Fig. 25. Lyman Low's ancient coin electrotypes robbed while sympathizing with Joseph F. Negreen, who had been robbed earlier. Los Angeles Herald, Saturday, July 18, 1908, page 2.

He and his wife had a white French poodle named Major whom they spoiled, like Andy Lustig after them, with the latest collars and garb for dogs available.

In 1911, Low moved to New Rochelle, New York.

Fig. 24. Lyman Low's business postal card postmarked April 6, 1904. Courtesy Lupia Numismatic Library.

On February 15, 1907 he auctioned off the Hays-Phelps 1794 US Cents, then owned by Charles G. Zug. Low would issued 212 price lists and auction sales, the last shortly before his death in 1924.

He was a member of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, and a donor in 1907.

Fig. 26. Lyman Low to Frank H. Lord of San Francisco, California, postmarked New Rochelle, New York, February 4, 1914. Courtesy Lupia Numismatic Library.

He died on Saturday, February 16, 1924, at his residence, 28 Clinton Place, New Rochelle, New York.

His last catalogued coin auction, Part II of J. Coolidge Hill was sold by F. C. C. Boyd on April 4, 1924.

Low's coins were sold by Thomas Lindsay Elder on May 1-3, 1924.

Lyman Haynes Low was inducted into the ANA Numismatic Hall of Fame in 1972.

Incomplete List of Works :

A Sketch of the Coinage of the Mexican Revolutionary General Morelos (offprint ANS paper 1886)

Hard Times Tokens. 2d Edition (1899)

“A Convention Address,” Yearbook of The American Numismatic Association (1910)

Scott Coin Auction Sales : 27 though one is only one coin lot, and a second only 8 coin lots, sales 96 and 121 not included

[083] February 27, 1888, 621 lots, G. J. Bascom, Byzantine & Roman Coins.

[084] February 28, 1888, 188 lots, The Late Dr. Henry R. Linderman, director U. S. Mint & Assay Offices.

[088] November 17, 1888, 115 lots, Rev. Foster Ely

[093] November 20, 1889, 565 lots, Charles S. Wilcox, stamps & coins.

[096] May 19, 1890, C. B. Corwin, stamps

[102] February 16, 1891, 996 lots, Greek, Roman

*[105] March 31, 1891, 8 coin lots

[109] June 22, 1891, 451 lots, E. L. Nagel

*[115] June 9, 1892, 1 coin lot

[116] June 29, 1892, 586 lots, Paper Money-Colonial, Continental, Confederate and Fractional Currency

[122] June 26-27, 1893, 893 lots, Joseph Edward Herman (1840-1895), Boston, Massachusetts + Two Other Consignors

[125] March 14, 1894, 1,141 lots, Wm. B. Walker, George H. Skilton, Oliver Huffman

[127] May 31, 1894, 690 lots, Modern Chinese coins of Rev. Henry Kingman, G. Wells Root

[129] June 26, 1894, 473 lots

[130] December 12, 1894, 1,310 lots, Paris, European Silver Coins + Cabinet of American Coins

[131] March 8-9, 1895, A. G. Hull, stamps

[132] April 13, 1895, 619 lots, Gerald Ephraim Hart (1849-1936), Montreal, Canada

[134] June 27-28, 1895, 865 lots, Greek, 2 plates

[135] November 6, 1895, 1,079 lots, The Late A. Gerald Hull, Saratoga, New York

[136] January 20, 1896, 618 lots - Part I : discontinuing the coin and medal department sale

[138] February 29, 1896, 626 lots - Part II : discontinuing the coin and medal department sale

[139] April 6, 1896, 619 lots - Part III :discontinuing the coin and medal department sale

[141] May 15, 1896, 633 lots - Part IV :discontinuing the coin and medal department sale

[142] October 21, 1897, 404 lots, F. S. Winston

[143] June 12, 1899, 408 lots, Dr. S. L. Lee

[144] October 26, 1908, 1,040 lots

*[145] May 3, 1909, 522 lots, W. A. Aiken - Exclusively Philatelic

[146] January 31, 1910

[149] January 10-12, 16-18, 1900, F. W. Hunter

[195] May 20-22, 1918, Various Consignors, stamps

Coin Auction Sales : 212

[001] December 25, 1882 Coins Fixed Price List

[002] June 23, 1883 Coins Fixed Price List

[003] December 1883 Books Fixed Price List

[004] March 1884 Coins Fixed Price List

[005] February 3-4, 1885, 1,018 lots, 2 heliotype plates

[006] February 1885 Books Fixed Price List (Fig. 4)

[007] March 26, 1885, 509 lots

[008] June 10, 1885, 1,064 lots

[009] June 18, 1885, 674 lots George C. Athole

[010] August 1, 1885, Books Fixed Price List (Fig. 7)

Bibliography :

Numisma, Vol. 7, No. 1

advertising in Empire State Philatelist, Vol. 1, Nos. 1-3 (1885) : inside front cover.

American Journal of Numismatics, April (1885) : 91

The Agassiz Journal, Vol 1., No. 9., February (1886) : 12

Mason, M-XIII, No. 1, June (1890) : 4;

The Numismatist, Vol. 4, No. 1, January, (1892) : 1-2;1 -Autobiography (photo), 12

The Numismatist, March (1892) : 38

American Ancestry : Giving the Name and the Descent, In the Male Line, of Americans Whose Ancestors Settled in the United States Previous to the Declaration of Independence, A.D. 1776 (New York, 1892) Vol. VIII : 119-120

The Numismatist, Vol. X, No. 1, January (1897) : 20

"Our Illustrations," Philatelic West, July (1902) : brief bio of Low

British Numismatic Journal (1903) :461

The Numismatist, March (1924) : 248-249 Obituary

Gnecchi, Ercole and Francesco, eds., Guida Numismatica 4th edition. (Milano : U. Hoepli, 1903. Edition) : 555, no. 5756 and 5757

Heaton, A. G., “A Tour Among the Coin Dealers,” The Numismatist, Vol. 8, No. 1, January (1895) : 8;

The Numismatist, Vol. XV, No. 1, January (1902): 26; No. 3, March (1902): 84, 87; No. 4, April (1902) : 107, 115; No. 5, May (1902) : 153, 155 (ad); No. 6, June (1902) : 181, 192 (ad); No. 7, July (1902) : 208; No. 9 September (1902) : 280; Vol. XVIII, No. 2, February (1905) : 66 ¾-page ad.

Proceedings of the American Numismatic and Archeological Society (1903) : 26

Philatelic West, Vol. 35, No. 2, February (1907) : half-page display ad on verso 13th leaf.

The Numismatist, October/November (1908) : 318-319, Autobiography + Photo

Lorraine S. Durst, United States Numismatic Auction Catalogs : A Bibliography.

Martin Gengerke, American Numismatic Auctions.

John Weston Adams, United States Numismatic Literature, Vol. 1, (1982) : 18, 59, 71, 126-142, 228-240

Charles Davis, American Numismatic Literature, Nos. 634-647.

Wayne K. Homren, “The Early History of the Western Pennsylvania Numismatic Society,”

Pete Smith, American Numismatic Biographies 149