Copyright 2000-2020 John N. J. Lupia, III
Edward Charles Eisengart's photograph at age 35 published in the February 1909 issue of Philatelic West.
Edward Charles Eisengart (1874-1957), was born in Germany, son of Johann Eisengart (1852-1913), and Catherine Beck Eisengart (1854-1931). His family migrated to America when he was an infant.
In 1888, he worked as a plate mill roller for A. M. Byers & Company. At this time he was a coin, stamp, and curio collector and dealer on the side and more than a decade later held at least two known coin auction sales.
He married Aimee Lambie (1876-1958)
Eisengart was an advertiser in The Numismatist in 1900 as E. C. Eisengart & Son, himself only 26 years old.
He was member No. 424, in the American Society of Curio Collectors (A. S. of C. C. ).
Philatelic West Vol. 22, No. 1 , January (1903) display ad.
Philatelic West Vol. 22, No. 2 , February (1903) display ad.
Eisengart's monthly coin auction sale ad in The Numismatist, December (1903) : 379 with the headline CLOSING-OUT-SALE reversed.
Eisengart held monthly coin auctions in 1904 in the first few months.
In February 1906 a public notice ran in the A. S. of C. C. Bulletin on page 17 that Eisengart has gone out of the coin business. Apparently not a life decision.
In 1909, he loaned the Carnegie Museum two antique spinning wheels.
In the February 1909 issue of The Numismatist he is listed as an applicant for membership.
In 1910, he lived at 253 Charles Street, Mt. Oliver Station, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.
Eisengart's ad in The Curio Collector, Vol. 2, No. 1, April (1911) :
In 1940, he lived in Etna, Pennsylvania.
Eisengart's tomb plaque. Mount Royal Cemetery, Glenshaw, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
Auctions : (2 known)
01/05/1904 EISENGART & SON
03/05/1904 EISENGART & SON
Bibliography :
Philatelic West Vol. 22, No. 1 , January (1903) display ad.
The Numismatist, December (1903) : 379
The Numismatist, February(1909) :
Curio Monthly (1910)
Martin Gengerke, American Numismatic Auctions