Copyright © 2011-2018 John N. Lupia III

Harrington, Jonathan (1809-1881), Boston, Massachusetts. In 1840 he appears to have succeeded E. A. Greenwood’s New-England Museum at Boston. Harrington’s Museum contained Natural History and taxidermy specimens made by William McGuigan. He was a professional entertainer working as a ventriloquist and prestidigitator. He was forced to sell the Museum collection, which contained coins in 1842 being unable to compete with Moses Kimball’s Boston Museum.


Catalogue of Splendid and Rare Curiosities, Consisting of Paintings, Engravings, Wax Figures, Busts, Animals, Birds, Fishes, Shells, Minerals, &c. to be sold at auction on Monday, July 11, 1842, at 9 o'clock, by N. A. Thompson & Co., at Harrington's Museum in Boston, comprising the whole of Mr. Harrington's Rare and Valuable Collection, including Cosmoramic Views, Conflagration of Moscow, Stage Properties, &c. Boston: David Hooton, Printer, Ruskin's Building, Tremont Street. 27 pages, 766 lots. Lancour No. 36

Bibliography :

Charles C. Sellers, Mr. Peales’ Museum: Charles Wilson Peale and the First Popular Museum of Natural Science and Art. (1980) : 268